12 10

Masturbation is bad, mmmkay?

altschmerz 9 Jan 25
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But you can Dutch rudder

Squirrel Level 7 Jan 27, 2019

I thought that was the reason we have two hands.


Maybe, I also hear he kills a kitten if he sees me do it.

Kojaksmom Level 8 Jan 26, 2019

LOTTA dead kittens huh???

@phoenixone1 yep!!!


@Squirrel see, I told you!


No I can't because with my girth I need two hands

Rudy1962 Level 9 Jan 26, 2019


@dartagnan6666 and a liar too!



Can if you have two hands???????


that's not what he told me! In fact just the other day,...

phxbillcee Level 10 Jan 25, 2019

Idiots. I don't need hands?

MrChange Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

God doesn't exist.
My penis DOES.


That is almost the stupidest billboard I've ever seen.This one is just plain crazy.

MerlinZap Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

I was a "Christian", and didn't want to be....
I win.

I have Asians in my family and..... Ah nevermind! They're xtian now lol

WTF is that?

@Closeted It's still crazy...

When I was in Japan in the 60s, the plastic surgeons were already doing grand scale business in rounding those slanted eyes.

@dartagnan6666 Still do, only now they fill the tits and leave just enough extra lid for the "exotic" look.

Choices and opinions.

Thank you for your opinion.

and corsets, waist cinches, those long necks in Africa, etc. Barbaric, fashion victims all. How about a woman wearing a miniskirt in the dead of winter. Modern day continuation.
Someone said "there's no accounting for taste", as in which of the errors of humanity will individuals choose to focus on, there being so many?

Nothing like stiletto heels as ankle breakers. Or just as feet destroyers.


So you cannot drive either. Basically you are useless as most things require your hands.

AlexRam Level 7 Jan 25, 2019

I'm not gay so I guess the joke is on Him...


There is no God. So I do as I please. For better or worse.

Mokvon Level 8 Jan 25, 2019
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