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Drinking piss

altschmerz 9 Feb 8
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Although the source is found to be from a leaking septic sewer line I wonder how contaminated the water actually still was before it reached the statue toes?
Every drop of water consumed by humans today has at some time passed through a kidney or bowel.

FrayedBear Level 9 Feb 10, 2019

@Closeted I had to put this in because I think that my initial response may no longer be here as cutyb has blocked me and I no longer see what I wrote.

@Closeted I also have a slight problem with today's over hygienic practices that are destroying people's auto immunity.
I remember reading that Afghanistan was one of the least hygienic places and had incredibly high child mortality rates. Those that lived did so far longer than elsewhere. Also the scourge of western societies -polio was never known in Afghanistan.

@Closeted thanks.




So. Gross.

Minta79 Level 7 Feb 8, 2019

How beautifully ironic!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 8, 2019

Eww .. Yuck.. Eek!

We all drink each others. It is the big cycle of life. Normally it doesn't come straight from the sewer but is purified through evaporation and representation as fresh rain water.

@Closeted Then you wouldn't felch either??


This is what brainwashing can make people do.

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