Now my Intermission Double-Post has been removed from "Recent Photos" also. This is utter & absolute Bullshit! So, as I promised, I double up, again!
I am sorry to some of the ladies who may not be wild about them, but I usually do one, very carefully screened, in amongst a bunch of memes. Some one or some "thing" has deemed them, well, who knows! They are arbitrarily removed from "Recent Photos", no explanation, no reason given,...just gone! This has happened with memes, too, with the same lack of consideration & explanation! This Mickey Mouse has to stop! @Admin, @ or the retired nuns working for them, are you listening & do you care?!?
So, I will now be posting four Intermission photos, two in this Post & two more in the next, & I will Pin both of them so I know right away if they are "taken"! & so will everyone else!
Also, if I find they've been removed because of a "/Complaint" from some prude that doesn't like "Adult Content", even tho there is no real nudity in any of my "Intermissions..." you will be Booted from the Group permanently! This is a promise! Find another Group! We don't want you!!!
Sorry to read this Mr bill . I don't care for any sex pics on this site , but I don't like seeing u upset ?
Sorry you feel that way, tho they are not "Sex Pics", as no sex is involved, at all, ever. There is more sex in many of the memes, both implied & actual. I do appreciate your personal concern, tho. It means a lot!
@phxbillcee ♥️♥️♥️
You should be able to post these on sexyclassicpics group.
Not the point, & they've had problems at times, too. Hell, even now they seem to be without "Recent Photos"!
Intermission can be anything that doesn't contain words and within the bounds of not being porn. This isn't porn. Many of us are getting shit removed for no apparent reason. Someone here is being a dick and it needs to stop. If you don't like it, scroll by or better yet... LEAVE!
What she said!
My complaint is that this is a meme group and these aren’t memes. I’m sure there is a pin-up group you can post these in.
I can, & do, differ in the definition of what a meme is or can be. I do agree that this Group should be primarily memes, & I Post one "Intermission..." per about six memes, just cause I want to. You are free to pass them by, or even state that it is not your cup of tea. There is a "pin-up" Group that I do Post in, & steal from for my "Intermissions...". The only reason that there are multiples of them now is that my single Intermission was "stolen" from "Recent Photos". I promised some time back that when that happens, no matter the reason, I would double it as a protest. Steal the two, then four would be Posted, etc.
This is to rebel against both the arbitrary Censorship & to really get back at the individual who may be anonymously Reporting because they feel that they should decide on the content of the Group!
btw, tho your complaint is noted, &, believe it or not, respected, I will continue my "Intermissions..." & the ladies can feel free to post theirs.
@phxbillcee THERE!!!!
I fixed it!
@SpawnofSagan How does that fix the arbitrary removal of content with no explanation???
@phxbillcee This is a meme group.
And with a mod not following the rules of this group you’re setting a bad example for everyone else. If I want to look at pin-ups I’ll go to that group.
Yes, there is a fine line between art and porn (usually a government grant) but I’m sure there are other ways you can get your point across.
@SpawnofSagan What "Rules of the Group" are you referring to. As Eric stated, "We make shit up as we go along." Also, a meme is anything that carries information that can be passed along, like music videos or bits of film, which are posted here, cartoons, which are posted here, jokes, which are posted here. Is a meme just what you say it is? A picture is worth a thousand words!
You are more than free to find a Group more to your liking, tho I would miss you. All I can recommend is for you to pass my "pin-ups" by. It is more than fine for you not to be pleased, & to state so, as you have, but, my "Intermissions" will stay, especially, as I've said, many things you define as memes are more risque' than they are!
Also, I really wish I had the "power" to set a bad example, but with most of this bunch, that point has been passed long ago!
@phxbillcee I can go to the sexy pin-up group just as easily as you can.
And I have been passing your “Intermission from memes” which by your definition Are Not Memes.
Also if people are not going to post memes in a meme group then you should probably change the name of the group.
@SpawnofSagan Yes, of course, right away, because of course no memes are ever posted here! Also, I NEVER said the Intermission was NOT a meme, see my definition above. & even if it wasn't, so what. Again, if you are not pleased here no one is forcing you to stay. Obviously, this really bugs you, I won't say I'm sorry because I think it is your problem, not mine. All I can say is...
@phxbillcee Telling me to deal with it is the same as you not wanting to admit your wrong.
@phxbillcee and since the mod can post whatever...
Guess what I’m going to do
@SpawnofSagan "Telling me to deal with it is the same as you not wanting to admit your wrong." That is convoluted, as well as erroneous! (as well as misspelled!) This is a problem YOU have, & one you have to deal with. My "Intermissions..." will continue, like it or not. You can Post idiocy as your protest, I'll pass over it, as you should do with anything you don't like. Or, start your own Group. Or, take a flying leap! You want control so badly, please, make your own "internet meme purist" Group, with your definition of what that is, I'm not clear because you've never stated it, I'm supposed to just know what you want! & really, I don't care! This petulance really doesn't become you, but whatever makes you feel "special". Have fun!
@phxbillcee I thought you were done
@SpawnofSagan But you felt the need to get the last word anyway!!! LMFAO!
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