4 11

Freedom from avatars... from men pretending to be women online... From disturbed individuals hiding in the shadows. I am blocking all faceless folks in Agnostics... Every. Damned. One.

MoonTiger 7 Feb 15
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Two things...I have a number of photos on my Profile page, so if I choose an avatar other than that there is no deception involved. Also, if you Block a Mod, at least in this Group, you will be Blocked from the Group. Not a threat, just what it is. I can understand some of your frustration, but people represent in different ways & as long as no deception is actually being performed it seems as if you're over-reacting.

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 15, 2019

@MoonTiger Be still my beating heart!

@MoonTiger & I see you are getting guys posing as chicks & it upsets you so much you threaten to Block anyone whose avatar is not a photo (as if that can't be faked). Yeah, your opinion is so important I will just go & have a good cry, now.


>I can in personal messages where DATING happens and that is mostly what I am here for.

Some of us, myself included, aren't here for dating and won't provide a public profile picture. (I'm ugly looking and no sense scaring people away). Many profiles say "Open to meeting women." I'm open to meeting small furry things from the Beetlejuice star system but it doesn't mean I want to date them.


Off with their bloody heads!



brentan Level 8 Feb 15, 2019
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