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Grammar is key.

AustinSkepticus 7 Feb 17
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Hahaha. One Arm Scissor seems to have made two mistakes. Your a idiot should be “you’re an idiot”.

But, but, but.....we don't want to be Grammar Nazis.

@brentan Nope. However, that is the whole reason for this joke! If I decided to correct all the grammar mistakes I see, first, it would take up all my time and second, I would be hated more than our President.

@EyesThatSmile I apologise. I must have been in pedantic mode.

My understanding of the definition of pedantic is to use a large word, where a smaller one would have been sufficient, with the intention of showing off one's acumen.
We are, IMO, what we put our attention on. If we enjoy good grammar, and are off put by miss usage, that's the right position, and if I ate an apple, and them you 8 1 2, that would be correct as well. I like to think of it as a paradox, where two opposing positions are simultaneously correct.

@dartagnan6666 I got this from

ostentatious in one's learning.
overly concerned with minute details or formalisms, especially in teaching.

That's what I meant.

I'm surprised you said we are what we put our attention to. I'm sure you're absolutely correct but I imagine creatures as complex as ourselves shift our attentions according to mood. That's why I apologised, thinking that my mood was not appropriate in the context of the discussion.

@dartagnan6666 My understanding of the definition of pedantic is to use a large word

You won't get a cigar for that understanding.

Pedantic refers to school teachers and the theories on how to instruct others. Specifically to nit pickers who want every detail correct or they deduct points from your score.

It sounds better than the generalized expression "You pain in the ass!"



glennlab Level 10 Feb 17, 2019

Well, idiot is more about a lack of smarts.

brentan Level 8 Feb 17, 2019

In the mental health field, "idiot" is a long retired term. I abandon all hopes trying to define "smarts."

Yes but we mere mortals outside the mental health field need to classify things as best our ignorance can do.

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