10 13

Not exactly a meme, but evidence that I not only zip through these memes at lightning speed, but also try to comment...
Has this happened to anyone else?

scurry 9 Feb 26
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Many many times.. drives me nuts..

Me Too!! The first one I was confused, I didn't think I was so speedy, but then it became a little nuts-o.


While it says 30 seconds, I believe you can always click through right away.

DoDapper Level 8 Feb 27, 2019

I believe you're right.
I figured it meant 30 seconds from the last comment - but I dunno.


I have never seen this, & I comment a lot!

phxbillcee Level 10 Feb 26, 2019

So you don't rush? That's probably a good thing. 😉

@scurry Actually, it depends!!! But, I often go through these rapidly as I try to catch every one. But, I've never seen this message. Maybe depends on the device? I'm on a PC, could that make a difference?

@phxbillcee It only pops up when you are commenting.

@phxbillcee So far it's only popped up when I'm on a PC.
But @glennlab is completely right - only when commenting is involved.


Happens to me about as often as Trump lies

Rudy1962 Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

all the fucking time, I read and react very quickly sometimes.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 26, 2019

Happy to know it's not just me. LOL


happens to me all the time

Good to know. 😀 Thank


Couple times, yeah.

Electro68 Level 7 Feb 26, 2019

Happy to know I'm not the only one. LOL

@scurry same.!!


Username checks out

stinkeye_a Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

I think I may need some clarification here... I has a confused.

@scurry "scurry" = to move about quickly

"Username checks out" = words and/or deeds demonstrably verify validity of username

You "scurry" from comment to comment 🙂

@stinkeye_a ROFL!!!! HOW DID I MISS THAT??!?!?!! Holy Hell - that's funny!!! You Rock!!!! Thank you for explaining my own freaking name to my dumb ass. LOL



I have found my Peeps!! 😀

@scurry lol - just check the comments in the Memes R Us section and you will find me !

@bookofmoron Oh for sure - I see you post - but have you ever been told by the site to slow down?

@scurry yes many times

@bookofmoron Excellent. Though they might just be picking on me... again. 😉


All the time! LOL

KKGator Level 9 Feb 26, 2019

I Am Not Alone!!! 😀 YAY!

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