4 4

Yeah but....Da Force man!

EricTrommater 9 Mar 8
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The Star Trek universe wouldn't really be much better. In my mind the Federation is a bit like a fascist government, kinda.
I like the concept that people no longer have to pay for food and clothing thanks to replicators. A person's pay would go a lot further and be able to save money for retirement which would be necessary because people would likely live longer and be healthier.


I find the obcession w a movie ridiculous . A money maker for the cats who producing anything about it , and that's all . Low intelligence and ffs , nothing fun or mysterious about it .

Pralina1 Level 9 Mar 8, 2019

Eric, she kicks puppies!

@phxbillcee what that means ? What puppies ?

@Pralina1 Ask Eric!

@phxbillcee thanks bill . Your help on this matter was for the birds . ?


@phxbillcee I sensed a disturbance in the force.

@EricTrommater Thanks for your help, Obi Wan Kenobi!

@phxbillcee, @Pralina1 it was @Closeted who first suggested that a dislike of at least the 1977 "A New Hope" film was a sign that the viewer was a baby eating, puppy kicking, abomination. I simply agree with that statement of fact.....

@Closeted mine as well, though you put it into better words than I could have.

@EricTrommater u r sold on it and I won't argue ? It makes u happy .



@EricTrommater hahahahahahahahahahahahahah ?????onfg !!!! I am sure it's in demand too !!! Hahahahshagahahahagsgah


I've noticed in the Star Wars universe, guys really aren't getting laid much. Maybe that whole galactic empire would mellow out if they all got more pu55y.

As would I!


Somebody has WAY too much time on their hands.

That was EPIC!!!!!!

KKGator Level 9 Mar 8, 2019
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