6 9

I ll get right on it ??????

Pralina1 9 Mar 8
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On a stick.


I don't really watch TV (or videos), but Orange is the new black is one of my favorite shows. In my opinion, this character went from extremely annoying to a cool one.

Zoohome Level 8 Mar 8, 2019

Is that a tv persona ??? I had no idea ! Wow ! I haven't turn tv on since 2008 , and I see clips of things at hospital / pts rooms only ! And YouTube on my phone for comedy shows . Wow . Thank u for telling me this !

@Pralina1 girl, I don't watch anything but a few movies here and there and this show.
My lesbian friend and my former roommate used to watch this and I finally started. It is very funny. 🙂 Free on Netflix

@Zoohome I ll YouTube to see what's about it ! ♥️♥️??


Naw, not really my type. You can send Mary Magdalene around, tho!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 8, 2019

Preach on , Pennsyltucky.


Unless he teaches me the water into wine interest.


Yeah, I hear that all the time around here.

KKGator Level 9 Mar 8, 2019

A general / surgical cat told me last night : " u know , if u let god enter your life u will be more optimistic and u will deal w poor prognosis for your patients in a healthier way ".
I told her : well . If god takes over your patients and cures them all , u ll be on the street begging for food .

@Pralina1 You are bloody brilliant! I am continually in awe.

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