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I'm tired of all the tits and ass here lately.'s some more for we who admire the other sex....It's variety day! Like bikers? Vikings? Cowboys? Enjoy....

Freespirit64 8 Mar 11
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Luvboating Level 5 Mar 11, 2019

The Village People!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 11, 2019


@Freespirit64 Not at all. Tho it may limit my "pool of potentials" I am staunchly hetero, & guys that spend too much time on their bods, & even women, seem a bit obsessed & narcissistic to me. Just my take. I spent years doing physical work, interspersed with office work, & used to love to hike, so kept in decent shape, but was never a gym rat except in high school a bit when competing in gymnastics & boxing.

@phxbillcee Well I'd have to agree with most of that...I'm certainly no model or body builder! And I don't care to be! This is all in good fun. Certainly not a requirement in my book for a partner. A little ribbing on both sides is good for everyone! Or is that rubbing????

@phxbillcee The group is called Memes r Us though...not Tits n

@Freespirit64 First, I'll take the ribbing & the rubbing! Second, memes can be many things, not just the limited definition of a photo with a caption. Dennett & Dawkins use the examples of almost anything that transfers information & persists & "replicates". Fashion, videos, songs, movies, cartoons, quotes, photos, etc.


Ah, so you want me to Post multiples when I do my Intermissions???

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 11, 2019

Tit for tat, sir....tit for tat

@Freespirit64 I don't mind if the tits have tats!

@phxbillcee me either....





Allikat Level 6 Mar 11, 2019
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