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Diagoras 7 Mar 16
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If you haven't read "Astrophysics for people in a hurry" can't call yourself a NDT fan...


Robecology Level 9 Mar 16, 2019

@Diagoras Read the link I posted. If you're interested enough, go to Amazon and look for it can "look inside" and read the intro and a few pages as well. I might re-read it this's that good.

In Kirkus Reviews, the reviewer praised Tyson's "down-to-earth wit" and stated that the book "shows once again [Tyson's] masterly skills at explaining complex scientific concepts in a lucid, readable fashion."Tyson was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Spoken Word Album.

It is a great "primer", & I love reading, or listening to, NdGT. Am reading "Accessory to War" right now.

@phxbillcee I have "Fear" in my Kindle...but I'm just not motivated to read it...I get depressed about all the war, nationalism, terrorism, and things that are, in general, going wrong in D.C. NDT has a way of taking me "away".... I'd be interested in buying the vocal version of him actually reading this book. I'll be pricing it on Amazon soon.. I just checked costs...$7.49 for a one time purchase download on my kindle....$11 and change if I buy the CD....hmmmmm.

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