5 18

Woof bark.

scurry 9 Mar 25
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My life .

Pralina1 Level 9 Mar 26, 2019

My tom cat, Percy, refuses to go outside the house. I wonder if he knows if our clay soil is either slimy because it rains or a brick because it hasn't rained. Keep him fed and change his litter box and the cat stays happy.


Too true!



It gives me a chance to look for constellations. And the dog knows that.


Why I don't own one.

beenthere Level 7 Mar 25, 2019

I'm with you. I'm a cat person.

For about a decade, Petunia kept a dog(s). "Kept" meant she couldn't house train them. I'd step out of the shower into a recently doggie deposit. Because I stepped in it, I agreed to clean up. However, that escalated to clean those deposits all the time. When we had visitors, they stepped in dog shits in the yard. Then my dog duties went to walk the dogs and clean up the kennel. Once I opened the kennel to walk them, they'd run off to visit neighbors a half mile away. They didn't want to go for a walk with a leash. I got to walk them in the snow. Once in the kennel her yappy dogs kept us awake. Some nights she'd raise the window and scream at them to stop. It rarely work for more than ten minutes. Additionally they managed to destroy their own dog house. After she refused to buy fresh kennel litter, I called doggy duty quits.

That's when she got rid of the dogs.

Now she's tell me what she hates about the cat: Percy sharpens his claws on her oldest overstuffed furniture -- the furniture with the shot springs.

@WonderWartHog99 People should have to be licensed to have dogs. The dogs would appreciate it.

@SiouxcitySue It's why animal control should have Korean dog catchers.

@WonderWartHog99 That's sick. La Dolce Vita!

@SiouxcitySue Most animal shelters kill dogs more than find people to adopt them. I'd rather see a well fed Korean.

Minor details: Percy, the Tom cat, has been neutered and ID chipped. We live next door to mouse heaven (a wooded lot and a cow pasture). He's got his reason for living with me.

@WonderWartHog99 I'm quite aware of the kill policy of most animal shelters. Again, I say dog owners should be required to take classes, pass a test and be licensed before being allowed to care for a dog. I understand you are in favor of feeding Koreans rather than killing dogs. We all have our concerns.

@SiouxcitySue Percy would like a word with you if he could pronounce constants. He can only deal with I,a,o u and y.

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