You left out Georgia, both Carolinas and Tennessee.
It's too epic a chore to include the entire planet.
@WonderWartHog99 Well, I thought the implication was that the deep south USA has it's own language. Having lived in some of those places, it seemed prudent to mention specifics. I do agree it's an epic undertaking, but it's a slow day.
@SiouxcitySue I thought the implication was that the deep south USA has it's own language.
Ahem. Dixie -- southeast US.
The region has a dialect of English but not an entirely different language. Like any region of a large country, they have some different cultural differences from other regions of the US. Unlike other regions, we enjoy making fun of ourselves. One day, I might find a guy from Ohio making jokes about Ohio.
Growing up in Dixie, I thought all grocery stories kept 50 pounds of dog food by the door.
When I moved to San Jose, California, I found 50 pounds of rice by the grocery door.
This in contrast to the more subtle method while cruising the beaches of North Florida.
Minor variation in Alabama: Yo! Yea, you the shit hot bitch! Get in the fucking truck.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.