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Same-sex marriage in Canada.

Heather2367 8 Apr 4
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I live in Indiana, home of Mike Pence (VP of homophobia). He wasted millions of taxpayer dollars trying to ban same sex marriage, then passed a pro religious state law (RFRA) against the LGBT in retaliation, on his way out the door.

WayneMan Level 5 Apr 5, 2019

Some folks might say in HD or 4K


Remember when Canada ran for President of the US, I voted for it.


l live in Iowa, this state is racist, bigoted, homophobic, and just plain silly, l'll give you one shining example - STEVE KING, need l say more??

nogod Level 7 Apr 4, 2019

The only thing we have that may be better than in Canada is the weather. And that may even be changing!


Canadians love to rub it in 🙂. your better then us there i said it!


That's a very sensible way to look at it. Of course it makes too much sense for those of us in the US!! ?

MojoDave Level 9 Apr 4, 2019

I'm not your buddy, pal... Lol

@Livinlife I'm not your buddy, guy or is it I'm not your guy, buddy. ?????

@RobertMartin lol. Hillarious, isn't it

@Livinlife I'm not your pal....friend.

@EricTrommater i just love that spiel

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