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All of these are inspired from the "Some Americans are ignorant and proud" Youtube series...
Don't know the series but it sounds depressing.
@SiouxcitySue I was trying to avoid linking it, but here ya go...
@Rignor Thanx.
Most kids aren't taught to think. They're taught the minimum amount of knowledge mandated by whatever administrator or representative decides is good enough. Classrooms are so crammed with kids that it's impossible to have one on one time, so the ones who get the lesson right away excel and the ones who struggle get left behind. So many barely squeak by and graduate with Ds. Then they don't feel prepared for college, so they don't go. They enter the work force with a bunch of other people who either didn't learn or didn't care. They take whatever they read on the internet or hear from other people as fact because they don't know any different. Add in their kids and the cycle starts all over again and it only gets worse.
I am grateful for the few who are able to break away from that cycle and actually use their brains and believe facts and research what they read. They seem to come by less and less frequently, though.
My response, as a 45 year teacher, retired. was...
Schools are mental gymnasiums.
Your teachers are coaches.
Hardly anyone gets paid to do push ups....but learning to be physically fit gives you longevity.
Learning to be mentally fit also gives you longevity.
I'm still waiting for someone to ask me to tell them the difference between diatomaceous earth and chalk.
@WonderWartHog99 Ok...I'll bite....what is the difference?
@Robecology chalk is harder.
@WonderWartHog99 microscopically, it comes down to whoever has the "balls"...
@Robecology The only time I've needed to know what diatomaceous earth is was when I was working for a swimming pool company. Their employees would sit on bags of diatomaceous earth and wondered why their ass would itch. Once a day they'd have to sweep up a warehouse full of toxic and corrosive chemicals. I was the genius boy who wore a dust mask.
I've yet to work with such dumb shits since then. Part of the warehouse job was to transfer bleach from a 2,000 gallon tank to 16 gallon carboys with a hose attached to the tank. One of the yahoos noticed my carboys didn't all hold the exact same amount of bleach, so he wanted to show me how to level them off to be equal by mouth siphoning with a tube from one carboy to the next so I wouldn't be a pint off.
Now picture this: every carboy said in four languages and two international symbols (just in case you can't read) it's not only is it toxic, it's also corrosive. He wraps his mouth around the hose to get the to get the siphon going . . . . He was willing to kill himself for a pint of bleach. He was that stupid.
These days, I keep getting $1,000 loan offers at 92% annual interest from a loan company. I shred those offers, but I can guess who's taking them up on it.
@WonderWartHog99 Funny; and sorry for your struggles with the under-educated....
I googled it; and discovered people actually eat D.E. !
@Robecology While I was living in Pensacola, there were people that would go to a section of the railroad tracks, dig up the clay soil and eat it. Reason: they thought it would work as birth control. Instead, they'd have a large family.
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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Posted by backtobasicsThe Turkey day is on the prowl
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.