6 15

Ah Florida, land of my forefathers, place I call home and probably a big reason my mind is so twisted....(the 2nd two are from a spoof FB page, fyi)

OpposingOpposum 9 May 17
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Their cousins live in Louisiana

glennlab Level 10 May 18, 2019

Really funny! And I live in FL, I like the mosquito one! 😂🤣😅

Merseyman1 Level 9 May 18, 2019

One my friends wants to move to Florida. Think I might send him these.. just a little heads up. lol


Hahahahaha! I love the mosquito! 🤣

MojoDave Level 9 May 17, 2019

way too much truth there lmao


It's funny, because it's true.

KKGator Level 9 May 17, 2019

The hospital in question actually DID have a dead body dumped on their freaking loading dock in the middle of the night. Some poor lady walking her dog found him.

@OpposingOpposum Yeah, all sorts of weird shit happens in Florida. Although, I can tell you with 100% certainty, Georgia isn't much better. In many ways, it's even worse here. At least in Florida, a woman can still get an abortion if she needs to.

@KKGator for now 😟

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