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A few morning Woofs.

scurry 9 May 22
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I thought everyone knows you must start washing your dog on its butt and work forward. Well, you know now.


I howled at those posts

Rudy1962 Level 9 May 22, 2019

Happy to hear that. 🙂


Those could be converted to cats as well, just a stronger fight and drama

Zoohome Level 8 May 22, 2019

True! And claws.

@scurry yes, harsh claws


Yea. Sure. I'm going for the double points as a pointless excuse.

Love R. Crumb 😃

@JGal He's one of my favorites.

@WonderWartHog99 YES! No matter when this was first published, it is extremely relevant today! And I'm not saying that I'm glad it is still relevant. Thanks for posting it. 😊

@JGal I used to belong to a Robert Crumb discussion group on Facebook. The contributing members were regularly getting their ass tossed into Facebook jail.

His drawing of topless Angel Food McSpade, smacking her oversized lips and advocating "canned nigger hearts" is one of those things I'm grateful I've seen prior the great puckering of the American asshole. Crumb, in an interview, says it was the drugs that made him draw it.

@WonderWartHog99 Yes, 'someone' thinks we need protect from ourselves. I've seem some Andy Warhol 'art' that is/was in bad taste. An Andy Warhol quote: Art is what you can get away with.

Hey, this is a classy group, so you should at least substitute sphincter for asshole. Lol

@dartagnan6666 The human body has more than one sphincter, including the upper esophageal sphincter, lower esophageal sphincter and the ever popular pyloric sphincter.

Not a bit of confusion about which sphincter the asshole is. Besides, asshole is amazingly easy to spell on the fly.

Why this group is so classy, one of the top complaints is "Would you putzes stop sending me dick pics?" How many groups know what a putz is?

@JGal There is about a dozen of 1940's movie cartoons that are banned including Betty Boop in this century because they use ethnic humor. Ethnic humor is largely forbidden in this century unless the person telling the joke belongs to the same ethnic group. Same story for LBQT groups.

As long as we're talking about banned jokes, one of my favorites is a guy walks into a flower shop and asks "Do you wire flowers?"

When the owner says yes, the other guy says "Wonderful! Send me to San Francisco. I'm a pansy."

You didn't hear it from me.

BTW, because those flowers survive harsh weather and require little care, I've been told "Pansies are tough."

@WonderWartHog99 Yes, the Disney movie Song of the South (1946) about Uncle Remus has never been released as a home video because it's considered controversial.

That picture looks pretty crumby...

@WonderWartHog99, @JGal
well, zipity do da.

@JGal "In 1970 Disney announced in Variety that Song of the South had been “permanently” retired, but the studio eventually changed its mind and re-released the film in 1972, 1981, and again in 1986 for a fortieth anniversary celebration. Although the film has only been released to the home video market in various European and Asian countries, Disney’s reluctance to market it in the USA is not a reaction to an alleged threat by the NAACP to boycott Disney products. The NAACP fielded objections to Song of the South when it premiered, but it has no current position on the movie." -- []

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