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jenandjuice1111 7 June 8
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Manipulation of the mind....

VIKingsCFH Level 7 June 9, 2019

Excuse me. Protect the purity of men . . . could you please give me an example of that, both in reality and metaphorically? I never met a man who wanted to be pure, much less have his purity protected. Balderdash!


Yep. The religious establishment is just fucking evil.


Forget the child rapists. The church has always welcomed male dominance in a relationship...not just against the kids.

When women marry, their traditional vows are to "obey" - remember?

The church (and for that matter, all the religions of the world) expect male dominance.

The men - according to any #religulous - are the family planners. The women "offer" themselves "when the men are ready" they've basically fostered rape in relationships; couples have sex when HE's ready....not her.

Is it no wonder that the abortion issue is rearing its' ugly head in Republican dominated states?

Robecology Level 9 June 8, 2019

Maybe, if shoulders (of all things) weren't so fucking sacred, men wouldn't be so sensitive to seeing them and not pop a boner every time. Or maybe they could actually grow a pair and control themselves.

Kynlei Level 8 June 8, 2019

so there's at least one who isn't buggering little boys? Doubt if thats an improvement


Father Cusick can kiss my dimpled white ass.

KKGator Level 9 June 8, 2019

Mine too!!

you two realize thaty you'll have to bare more than your shoulders, but I concur with your sentiments

@glennlab If he thinks the baring of shoulders is a "problem",
I'd bare my ass at the fucking altar and cordially invite him to kiss it,
in front of god and everybody.

@KKGator made me grab my inhaler to get some relief.


Give him time and he'll be talking about 5-year-old girls on bikes.

brentan Level 8 June 8, 2019
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