5 17

Doesn't make sense to me either, but I do enjoy it

Boxdoc 7 June 9
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Yeah, I've never been much for camping.
I live in the South.
I spend a lot of time trying to stay away from bugs.
Why would I want to go where there are even more of them?

KKGator Level 9 June 9, 2019

@Taladad I'm not much into the mountains.
Colorado is okay, I've had fun there, but it's not my favorite place.

@Taladad To each their own. Good thing it's a big country. 😉

I'm in Texas and have ALWAYS wanted to live in Colorado. Grew up in Kansas, college in Lubbock, and went to Colorado many many times over the years. Peaceful and beautiful up in the green mountains.

Living in the South is good. Five Hundred Bazillion insects can't be wrong.

@Boxdoc Beats shoveling, and driving in, snow, and busting your ass after slipping on icy walkways.


My master plan was to dodge hotel and restaurant bills. Her plan was let to go into town, eat out and go shopping for junk.


Camping is nature's way of promoting the motel business. - Dave Barry 😄

MojoDave Level 9 June 9, 2019

The outdoors is great in small doses.

brentan Level 8 June 9, 2019

I used to as a kid. I'm not sure that I would now. I like being inside. 😂

Kynlei Level 8 June 9, 2019

The Girl Scouts cured me of any notion I had that camping was "fun".
They took us camping in the mountains of eastern Pennsylvania,

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