2 11

Me, maybe. LOL

scurry 9 June 9
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I just ate chips and dip, so close enough lol

Livinlife Level 9 June 9, 2019

I love pigs. They're wonderful creatures!

KKGator Level 9 June 9, 2019

@altschmerz Yeah, as cute they are, and as smart as they are, I still find them delicious.
Just one of those weird things I have no explanation for.

@altschmerz That's cool. I'm not. LOL

@altschmerz and @kkgator
I just ate pork loin for lunch 😋

@altschmerz Just don't eat the organs.

@altschmerz I did not know. But I take the pigs eat healthier than humans (mostly)

@Zoohome Interestingly, pigs are known to eat humans, too.
They've been specifically used to dispose of bodies by criminals.

@KKGator oh I know. It doesn't matter how intelligent a pig is, their owner falls in the feed pan, it is over. They eat anything and everything, just that we have more control over what pigs eat. That's all

@altschmerz yep. 😉

@altschmerz I know what you mean about a video. I do not eat two type of meat: veal and kosher.
I disagree on how both are raise and processed. Once I learned, I stopped supporting such practices.

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