Is there a lemonade stand in this fudge factory near the urinals?
Once you learn that the word is pronounced by astronomers with the accent on the first syllable, UR, it takes all the fun out of the double entendre.
Oh, but who wants to call it "you're a niss"?
@WonderWartHog99 Maybe you are, or whoever you're talking to, is a niss. I don't know what it means, ask Monty Python.
@SiouxcitySue To clarify: Oh, but who wants to call it (Uranus) "you're a niss"?
I had made the incorrect assumption "it" was a understood pronoun. My bad.
It's on Route 66 for those looking for kicks. When visitors are about to leave, they're told "Thank you for picking Uranis." It has more than just a mere fudge factory.
You think I'm kidding?
Why do people do this, and why is it funny. I know that to say fart is funny to a 4-year old, but come on people, Uraynis is a mispronunciation of the name of a planet.
@SiouxcitySue The reason why jokes succeed or fail is one of those great human mysteries. It's logic gone mad.
I don't need to die. I did that in Altona = George Burns
Show me. lol
Prepare to be grossed out if look.
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