2 2

D'devil made them do it.

WonderWartHog99 8 June 21
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As long as you're gambling casinos will give a person free drinks. That got me to thinking of an evil system for playing roulette.

  1. Walk in with $100.
  2. Bet $1 either red or odd. You could bet either green or even. Doesn't matter.
  3. Wait to lose your dollar.
  4. Double down on the same bet.
  5. Continue to double down until you win.
  6. Tell 'em you need a refill on your drink.
  7. Bet a dollar on the same spot.
  8. Repeat steps 2 through 7 until either you're too drunk to walk or lose your $100.

The catch with this system is roulette tables have zero or an eagle. Some casinos have double zeros or double eagles. Once they come up, you lose your bet. Over the long haul it'll come up often enough to defeat the system. The evil fucks will cut you off from serving you another drink at a certain point.

One time I wrote a computer program to find out how long it would take to either win $1,000 or lose the hundred dollars. I found out you won't win the $1,000 but the odds favor you will win more $100 and get drunk. Additionally, you could be sitting at the table for days until the house numbers take the $100 away. Just a question of how wasted you want to get and at what point will you walk away with winnings.

Casinos will get around to throwing anyone out who keeps using a "winning" system. Don't tell them about me.


I didn’t know that

Rudy1962 Level 9 June 22, 2019

Eisenstein said he had a plan to win at roulette: steal the chips and run!

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