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Lincoln was very prophetic about the Trump administration.... Haters will call this alternative history.

EricTrommater 9 Mar 13
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Oh that's a really good one

MrLink Level 8 Mar 13, 2018


sadoslim Level 5 Mar 13, 2018

My man!

Livinlife Level 9 Mar 13, 2018

I love it! I'm sure that TR and Eisenhower are not impressed either!

LEPeff Level 8 Mar 13, 2018

Actually, I can't think of one past president Repub or Dem, that would be impressed!

@BeeHappy Jackson would have probably.

"W" may be, it knocks him off the "worst president" pedestal, & even Nixon (no matter who it was they claimed, was it, Harrison?)

@BeeHappy maybe Andrew Johnson, maybe.

OK Guys! @LEPeff, @phxbillcee, @EricTrommater I get it! You don't have to be soooo literal! LOL 😉

@BeeHappy Why, yes, yes we do!

@phxbillcee, nah huh!

@BeeHappy figuratively speaking, yes we have to be literal.

@EricTrommater that's tellin' her!

@EricTrommater & @phxbillcee Shut Up! You two are like Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumber! 😛

@BeeHappy Now I feel left out.

@LEPeff, Don't! Firstly, I don't know you as well as them and secondly, they are pretty much a pain in my ass (in only the way friends can be) and I'm guessing you wouldn't want that distinction. Maybe I'm wrong? 🙂

@BeeHappy of course not, but being a PITA is one of my innate talents.

Maybe you need to start a PITA group, it seems like you would have a large number of potential members to draw from. 🙂

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