Great reminder. Too bad the current political climate is anti-children and in the US, anti-American.
When I hear "anti-American" I reminded of an American reporter based Iraq. He covered an event when the crowd was burning the American flag, chanting "Death to America" yatta, yatta.
When it over, one of the people in crowd turned to him and said "Not you. We like you."
When I watch travel shows covering Iraq the American producer/host always says how friendly the generous, open and friendly the locals are. Many invite those travel guys into their homes. If there's any group that wanted to stomp us gringos into the ground . . . . .
There's a world of difference difference between anti-American and being against America's over seas policies, politics and politicians. In that sense, most Americans are anti-American. On the whole, we like each other but not all the political the idiots in office have going on.
Watch us. We'll elect a lot more democrats next time.
@WonderWartHog99 When I say anti-American in the US, I am referring to an elected president who says, on international TV, that the American Intelligence community is wrong and Vladimir Putin is a truth-sayer, who embraces and praises an adolescent north korean dictator that kills people publicly at the drop of a hat and say, "Who Me?' and who runs a business in Washington DC that panders to foreign visitors looking to gain favor with the orange shit by throwing money at his hotel.
I am so hoping to see a democratic majority in 2021, but the American voters seem to be too lazy to vet their candidates and too short-sighted and too self-absorbed to do anything for the future our children, their children, our country or our planet. Call me cynical but I am becoming a curmudgeon.
@SiouxcitySue . . . but the American voters seem to be too lazy to vet their candidates . . .
We're too fat and lazy to do that.
That's the best excuse I've heard why most Americans can't tell anyone who's the PM of India.
@WonderWartHog99 The reason we don't know Narendra Modi is the Prime Minister of India, without looking it up on Google, is because the media, and I mean all of it, never puts his name out. There was a time when the "NEWS" meant what was going on around the world. Now it means what foul noxious cloud erupted from trump's or mcconnell's mouth today. As afore stated, voters are too lazy to find out what is going on and , I think, don't really care so long as they know where the beer and the remote are.
@SiouxcitySue They found out if they put up re-runs game shows against the evening news, Vanna White gets higher rating. Lookie Earl, it's way too hot woman in a slinky evening dress who never says anything! Wowwie, she's just-a smiling all the time. How come we can't get one of them?
Evening news broadcasts in the US don't cover much, if any, overseas news. However the really thick newspapers (i.e. the New York Times and the Washington Post) do cover events in third world countries. Most Americans, if they get news, want it from the evening broadcast.
[insert ear scalding profanity here] Trump voters.
@SiouxcitySue Unfortunately, I agree.
@MojoDave Thanx, I think.
How very Republican of you!
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