I am not scared of snakes. Buuuut, no. No kitty you cannot bring in the danger noodle.
I've had cats kill indoor snakes, much to my approval.
I had a cat that brought a live bat into the house. She was a bad-ass. Snakes, lizards, tarantulas, rats, and mice were all at risk if she was around. We had to keep the birdbaths empty. They were like a buffet to her.
I ended up with a live flying squirrel in my bedroom at 1 am in the morning! Laughable early morning chase for me...
@EyesThatSmile Probably not at the time.
@Sticks48 I didn’t mind it. Cute little creature. My ex husband was extremely cranky about it, though.
@EyesThatSmile l have never seen a flying squirrel. Have you seen one gliding?
@Sticks48 No. but he went out the third story window of our home during the night...nowhere to be found the next day.
We have a cat door...I have had my share of snakes in the house...
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Posted by backtobasicsAfter this last election, please be safe.
Posted by backtobasicsEveryone benefits from a better education system, not just those that have children in it.