7 20

Had to share immediately!!

Captnron59 9 July 14
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How did an out of touch POS John McCain get a ship named after him?


John McCain, for whom I never voted, was a better human being than djt will ever be a president. Envy hangs heavy around the neck of this prez.


They will soon have Borris a whiter version of the same stooge

Tooreen Level 7 July 14, 2019

Yup they know class which trump lacks

bobwjr Level 10 July 14, 2019

Woohoo!! Good for them! Let's move to London lol


Trump is making the Europeans pay for their own defense.
Trump is negotiating tough trade deals on behalf of the USA.
These are good things for the USA.
The fact that the Europeans don't like him shows he is looking out for the interests of Americans and not Europeans.

BD66 Level 8 July 14, 2019

The Europeans don't like Trump and neither do more than half of all Americans... So, your point kinda falls flat...

Only deal he makes is with Putin

@Cutiebeauty The Europeans are being rational. The 50% of Americans are not.

Trumps policies are destroying our economy and our environment. You are delusional.


The Brits hate 45 almost as much as many of us do.

KKGator Level 9 July 14, 2019
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