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Let's listen to what our Islamic Scientist has to say. 😂

AurumTechie 6 July 24
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0 he's #religulous. We all know that there's a very high level of gullibility in all religious folk.

But be aware; The Islamic religion is rising much faster than the Christian religion, or agnostics, for that the world.


At least Islamic folk don't buy the reincarnation thing, or the "risen again" thing, or the "virgin birth" thing...

But they do buy a "heaven" or "after-life"...and all sorts of diet restrictions (no pork, etc.)

and they also buy that aggressive proselytizing behavior gets the males more - or fewer - virgins in heaven.

Yea, they're very misogynist - that's why they demand that their women wear Burqas - they're afraid their lust will have them rape all eligible women - which - in fact - they do. Hence the need for virgins in heaven.

But let's not poke fun at alleged "spokespeople" for them. Remember; our numerical system is Arabic....they were the "cradle of civilization" once.

Sadly, the typical middle eastern man is what we agnostics know as "unenlightened". Who the Chinese grow to world dominance, and we produce more Trump/Republicans....maybe we'll sink to 3rd world status?

Robecology Level 9 July 24, 2019

I bet their farts smell like bullshit too.

Kynlei Level 8 July 24, 2019

Fokatuddin? Lol


Did he really say this! Haha


I just can't with these assholes.

KKGator Level 9 July 24, 2019

here's another MENSA member

They do love punishment.

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