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Does salt go bad?

scurry 9 July 27
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I remember going through USAF basic training in Texas and later in Tech School in Colorado, where the salt and pepper shakers had spring loaded caps to control the high humidity in those locations.

Mike1947 Level 7 July 28, 2019

Shoot, I just learned to put rice in the container with the sale and pepper. Can be used for a long time and doesn't take much.


The "best if used by" stamp is used by some due to some regulations, and by some due to standards of quality.

Libertarians would throw a fit about this....

But once salt is mined and ground down for use - it will "hydrolyze" or absorb water from the air, and then cake, stick together, and lose it's purity.

Robecology Level 9 July 28, 2019

You have to be so careful . . probably hoax salt from China anyway

Fake Salt!!!


I think they want you to throw it out and buy more.


Perhaps it is the container that expires. I've never heard of salt going bad. In fact I buy kosher salt by the five pound box and keep it for brining for several years at a time. Now that kosher salt has been processed in some way, so I know it's "contaminated" and yours states it is uncontaminated so it shouldn't go bad. I'm sure it will stay pristine if you don't open it. But that container thing seems a little iffy.

Lol. Good point, it's not really my salt - just a meme. 😉 Ya sketchy looking container.

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