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No justice in injustice

Rudy1962 9 Aug 10
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Hey, when you reward criminal acts, you get more of them! It's a natural law of Nature! If these guys would just refuse to hire these law breakers (rewarding them), which in the case of illegal aliens, it is their DUTY to do so, then we wouldn't have so many coming here to get work!! Isn't that simple?? Why don't they just stay home and fix the bad conditions there, instead of bringing their problems here??
To hire someone who is here illegally, meaning that they broke our immigration laws getting here, is to compound the felony!! AND, it's aiding and abetting their crime of coming here illegally!!
Anyone who thinks that an unbridled invasion of illegal immigrants is a good thing, and is not taking in at least one of them and feeding them, etc is a hypocrite!!

Logician Level 7 Aug 10, 2019

It's hard to FIX something when a gun is pointed at you by someone saying, "Move and You're dead, and your spouse, and your children and your mother, father, siblings, aunts, uncles and cousins!"

Until you are rounded up at gun point for a speeding ticket, your words have no power here. Being here 'illegally' is a friggin misdemeanor, not a blanket excuse to demean, torture, and commit acts against humanity.

THAT is NOT my problem to solve! If their societal conditions are really so bad that they have to break the laws of another nation to get away from them, then it is well passed the time for them to revolt and over throw the regime that is oppressing them! Oh, they don't have the guns to do that with? Well geeze Louise, maybe if they had the right to keep and bear arms in their native lands, then they could have a chance at making a better life for themselves right there at home, and not tax the resources of the foreign country that they are invading!!! If they are too cowardly to not risk their life at home to change things for the better, then WHY do we want them to come here? What do we owe to people who are too afraid to fight for what they need and want at home?? We owe them N O T H I N G !! Do you go and invade your neighbor's kitchen because you're hungry and do not want to provide for yourself in your own home??
Now watch, somebody is going to get a case of the Pink Butt on top of their raging case of Red Ass and complain about my telling too much truth here.


@SiouxcitySue, @CommonHuman
They shouldn't come here then if they aren't going to be welcomed by all with open arms. Like I said, we owe them NOTHING for breaking our laws by coming here uninvited any more than someone breaking into your home deserves a hot meal and place to stay for as long as they may want to. Now I'm on double secret probation.

@Logician The difference here is, if someone shows up on my door step starving and running from danger, I'll feed them and give them a place to stay while they get back on their feet. Apparently, you would hit them, then shoot em in the knee cap for good measure.

ps- of course we owe them. Our country is a major part of why theirs is so unstable. We build and topple regimes for fun. Then tell them they're on their own after we mess up their countries. How about we fix our own and help our neighbors. You know, like good people.

Do you know the difference between someone showing up on your door step and asking for a hand out or a favor, as opposed to someone climbing into an open window or breaking down your door? If you find an intruder in your home, and decide to accept them as a member of your family, that's up to you!
When have you EVER seen me personally ruining somebody else's home, property or injuring anyone? Since I have not done any of those things, where do I have an obligation to feed, clothe or house them?? If the politicians are the ones who do those things, shouldn't THEY be the ones to support them???
Yeah, I'm really sure that you would be so generous to do as you say you would. How about you going down to the border and bringing a few or even just ONE of those gate crashers into your home?? Put your money where your mouth is.

>To hire someone who is here illegally, meaning that they broke our immigration laws getting here, is to compound the felony!!

It's a minor misdemeanor. It shouldn't mean breaking up families by keeping their children inhumanly. Children in cages, sleeping on cold floors, being denied things like showers and toothpaste will be our country's heritage.

Most illegal immigrants are here to take jobs Americans won't take like jobs in chicken processing plants. Employees are nine times likely to become sick and injured in that industry than the jobs Americans will take. For the employer, illegals mean they're not going to demand workman's compensation but will take low wages. Illegals also means to the company they won't demand getting overtime pay either.

What does all that mean? Cheap chicken.

Once the illegals were hauled away from the plants, they were back in full production anywhere from two to five days. My assumption is the plants hired the next wave of illegals. The executives at the plant who approved hiring illegals were ignored when it came time to haul away the law breakers.

For the average US citizen it all means winner, winner, chicken dinner.

@Logician I've actually looked into it. If I could, I would. I have spare rooms, I would even put off adopting for a year if it meant I could help the nazi germany situation at the border. My family came to the US fleeing mussolini. Had the laws been then what they are now, no way would we have been allowed in. My family is a productive member of society.

If it's not a felony, then it SHOULD be!! WHY should we support people whose uninvited arrival here, their first act in getting here, is a CRIME?? I just don't get that at all. Where does it end? When somebody gets rewarded for killing someone? Oh, that's right we already do that by promoting people in the military to higher positions of authority and more pay! Silly me, why didn't I see that before??
How do you know for a FACT that your ancestors would not have been let in? There was an actual war going on then, wasn't there? What war are all of these invaders fleeing from, and nearly all of them are fighting age MALES, why don't they stay at home and fight for their rights? Are they too cowardly to do that? If they are, then why in the world would we want them here?
If you can't put your money where your mouth is, then why do I have to put MY money where THEIR mouth is??

@CommonHuman > Had the laws been then what they are now, no way would we have been allowed in.

The US turned down Ann Frank's family application to the US as well as countless other fleeing immigrants from Nazi Germany. Your family was lucky.

@Logician How do you know for a FACT that your ancestors would not have been let in?

Agreed: us native Americans should have had stricter immigration codes to keep you out.

Are they too cowardly to do that? If they are, then why in the world would we want them here?

I've covered that issue: winner, winner chicken dinner. When Alabama cracked down on illegal immigrants, the Alabama farmers couldn't find anyone to bring in the harvest.

The real gig is fear of Hispanics when it turns out the illegal immigrants have a lower crime rate than citizens born in the United States. It's all about bigotry. BTW, do you know most illegal immigrants are orientals? Why aren't you frightened of the "yellow peril"?

WHERE did you get this crap about illegal immigrants having lower crime rates?!?! That's just wishful thinking on your part and I'll bet that you made that garbage up!! They are here ILLEGALLY! That means they broke our laws to get here, so every one of them is a criminal right off the bat!! Or do you disagree with that fact?

@Logician >That's just wishful thinking on your part and I'll bet that you made that garbage up!!

First, who did you place that bet with? Get ready to pay up.

You make misdemeanors into felonies for border crossings. No points for that fiction. Unlike your claims I can refer to sources. For me it's just a question of which one to pick. You never cite sources. You just go wild with exclamation points. What theory are you operating on -- exclamation points make everything valid?

"Alex Nowrasteh, a senior immigration policy analyst with the libertarian Cato Institute, points to Texas as an example, since it’s the state with the best data on crimes committed and counted by immigration status and was the subject of a recent report he wrote showing that criminal conviction and arrest rates for immigrants were "well below" those of native-born Americans."

Source: []

Where are you getting your garbage? Trump? Like you, he makes up garbage as well. You're just stealing his garbage. You need to steal something better than garbage. Have you no standards for grand theft?

>That means they broke our laws to get here, so every one of them is a criminal right off the bat!!

We're talking misdemeanors for illegal border crossing. Your misdemeanors are serious crimes like as in traffic tickets. You got traffic tickets, you little criminal? Why we ought to send you and your family back to where you came from up to the third generation.

It's on par with Trump saying native born congresswomen ought to be sent back to their parents country of origin because their parents weren't white. Trump's famous birther claims people held onto even after Obama produced his birth certificate. You're into high froth from your own unquestioned bigotry.

Evil fart that I am, I'm questioning it. Petunia keeps reminding me I'm a mean old man.


It should happen to them not the people who are just trying to make a better life for themselves...


This is so spot on! The rich bastards who exploit the undocumented are NEVER accountable to the law!

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