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Everything is Australia is trying to kill you

OldMetalHead 9 Aug 14
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A slight hyperbole?

When it comes to a region where more things will kill you, try the Amazon basin.

It's hard to forget one explorer who went into the tributaries in a canoe every year. Each year his bug bites added at least eight more file folders in the hospital's files. It was a case of "We never saw anything like this before. Jose, take lots of pictures and call up Scientific American."

@OldMetalHead Does anyone ever give a belly rub to a Tasmanian devil?

@OldMetalHead It was once native to mainland Australia. Now it's an endangered specie that also lives in a conservation center on east-coast Maria Island.

It's hard for me to forget one nature show where the guy picked one up and was two points shy of snuggling with it. It's the same guy who's last words were "These sting rays never back up."

@OldMetalHead He even dangled his children a little too close to the crocodiles. Here in the states we have alligator farms. The ranchers go out into the wilds and bring them back, primarily for the hides. They have to release the female alligator.

The only way to sexually identify an alligator is to jam your hand inside a slit and feel the little darling up. You can tell an alligator sexer by the bite marks. They throw the sexer inside a tank with other alligators to make the job even more fun.

If Bindi Irvin ever gets hard up for a job . . . . .

@OldMetalHead The jungle girl is 21.

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