3 11

I try to keep an open mind, but....

EricTrommater 9 Mar 18
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Rather deal with a basketful of.....puppies, because everyone loves puppies. Well, not those with allergies....but we know they aren’t real people.

(P.S. Swap puppies for kitties if you’re into cats).

Vipyr82 Level 7 Mar 18, 2018

Stop changing the subject!


Not all conservatives are bad.

LEPeff Level 8 Mar 18, 2018

Yeah,about that...have you looked at the nasty hatefulness that is the conservative atheist page on here? Those people are raging jerks. I mean, I'm an asshole but DAMN

@Blindbird I should probably check it out, but I came to this site to get away from that shit!

@Blindbird @phxbillcee Oh that was as bad as any shit posting I've ever seen on FB. It hurt my head.

@RavenCT yeah. They're pretty awful.

@Blindbird Hopefully it doesn't spread!

@phxbillcee #Blindbird They seem pretty butt hurt that the rest of us libtards don't agree with them.... and I suspect they spend more time there. If I ever need to self-induce vomiting I'll go back.

@RavenCT soooo much butthurt.


We all have to draw a line somewhere...

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 18, 2018

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