4 10

I'm sure this applies to more places, but it's spot-on for (Ottawa) Ontario.

scurry 9 Sep 13
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Sounds like July in Chicago. They'll say it gets into the 90's in August but they don't say it only gets there for 20 minutes.

I suspect that your weather is much the same as ours. similar geographical areas and near by to boot. 🙂

@scurry I don't currently live in Chicago. I live in Dixie where it gets into the 90F and beyond for most of the day and might cool down to 70 by dawn. Yesterday at11 a.m. it was 90f and went up to 99f by 3 p.m. By 10 p.m. it was 84f. Dixie summers are brutal.

Here the well off use "summer" as a verb, i.e. "We summer in the mountains." It's the origin of the three month summer school vacation -- the well off weren't going to send their kids to school during the hottest period of the year.

@WonderWartHog99 I see, sounds mighty hot.
We also use Summer and more often Winter as a verb,
Many Canadians Winter down south because it gets pretty chilly up here, not to mention the show we have to deal with 10+ feet over the season Sometimes a single snowfall will be 8 or 10 inches and it stays!! for MONTHS!!! LOL.
So, 99F is about 37C That's dang hot.
A good toasty summer day (for Ottawa) is about 30 - 32C (86-90F or so)
And we can get just about as cold in the negative (celsius that is), so - 28 to -30C is about -18 to -22F and we can get a few spurts (a few day to a week) of that in the winter. But those are extremes, not averages.
None of this is taking into consideration either humidity or windchill.
It's hard to move when it's hot (30C) and humid, and skin can freeze in seconds when it's cold (-30C) and windy.
We dress appropriately so there isn't much worry (some cars won't start), but folks at risk can be an issue - homeless folks, the young, elderly... stupid people ... ya know. the usual.
We are by no means the only place that experienced either of these extreems, but I think we are one of the few that experience such a difference between the extremes.

@scurry >not to mention the show we have to deal with 10+ feet over the season

You've mentioned your snow falls for sure now.

Here snow is a rarity. A snow plow driver could starve here. Sometimes we can go through an entire winter without seeing it. When we do see it, most of it melts by the afternoon except places in the deep shade. The threat of an inch of snow will make the locals turn supermarket and liquor stores bare and close the schools.

For Atlanta, Georgia, an inch of snow closes the major roads.

If I want to get glares from Petunia, I mention my desire to go backpacking in mountain snows and visiting ski lodges. We live close enough to the mountains to do it but the idea of hitting the road in the snow freaks her out. If I mentioned ten feet of snow to her, she'd die from twitching.

@WonderWartHog99 Ya, I hear ya. And I can understand her hesitation. I'm used to it and it doesn't bother me much.
My friend , who grew up here and moved to the west coast (Washington) gets excited when there's a snow fall. Everyone else in her neighbourhood panics and stocks up on everything. Meanwhile, she's doing donuts in the parking lot. Lol



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 13, 2019

Sounds like almost any July day in Alaska.

I can imagine that would be the case. 😉
Stay warm, or cool... depending on when you read this. 😉 Ha ha


Taos could be that way at times.

Sticks48 Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

Taos is so beautiful!

@MichelleGar1 I lived there for nine years in the 90's. I never got tired of the beauty of Northern NM. I really did love it there. It was getting too expensive. The Californification of the area fucked things up. The same thing happened in Boulder. I think it is happening to Austin now. How is the city doing now? El Paso has always had a very special place in my heart. I only lived there for one year when I was in the Army and another year or so after I got out of the Army, but I really did enjoy living there. I have a lot of great memories of El Paso and Juarez.

@Sticks48 The last time I was in Taos was in 2012, I loved it. Celebrities live there so I can see the Californification of it, same with Santa Fe! El Paso is doing better after the mass shooting here, still kinda sad but life goes on! I remember you told me about your stay here! Juarez used to be so much fun!

@MichelleGar1 I loved Juarez. The last time I was there was about 85. We were playing in Carlsbad and the other two guys in the band had never been to Juarez, So my brother and I took them down there on a night off. We had a great time. I can't believe how fucked Juarez has gotten. So sad. I hope you are doing well.

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