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Thinking about divine miracles...

JazznBlues 8 Sep 13
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Lol! Hillarious and cool that you still have it

Livinlife Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

There's a place to send expired condoms. Health agencies throughout the caribbean are asking for any condoms...even old ones. I'll share an agency taking them via mail if you're interested. I've sent them dozens!

Robecology Level 9 Sep 13, 2019

Hmmm... Are they using them for their intended purpose? or for something else??

@scurry Like most products with "use by"'s a gimmick, a ploy by the maker to get you to buy more even when the old one - if still sealed - willl work fine. third world (poor, underdeveloped/disenfranchised) people are suffering gross ignorance and foolish sexual behavior. They don't look at the "use-by"date.

Search "Hero-Rescue" efforts, or go here;


@Robecology That's great! I'm glad they are being put to good use. I was asking honestly. I know that they can be used for other things as well, was curious.
Thanks for the info. 🙂

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