2 6

Not sure if this a real term or not

glennlab 10 Nov 4
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But who is Luke?

and why is HE moist?


it is now!

It's a snigglet: a word that ought to be in the dictionary.

@WonderWartHog99 Like "Barcuuming"! I use this one all the time.
Barcuuming (bar' ku ming): Removing the crumbs from under the table using the family dog.

@scurry Good one, although I use Percy the tomcat. I also like:

Fizzlibrium (fiz-lib-ri-um) n. The point at which a warm soda or soft drink may be poured over ice in a glass without letting the fizz overflow before the glass is filled.

@WonderWartHog99 Good one!
I might need to brush up on my snigglets. LOL
I think I used to have a Snigglet book... Or is a dictionary?

@scurry <dances about with hands over his head> They're everywhere! They're everywhere.

One starting point is []

@WonderWartHog99 Ha ha ha!!!

Typo-blindness n. The inability to recognize a typo in your e-mail until you've pushed the "Send" button.

@scurry I married this:

Stress Puppy (stres-puh-pee) n. A person who seems to thrive on being stressed out and whiny.

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