Recent? It was a long time ago - 22 years ago.
What are you talking about? It was earlier this week that Harry and Meghan decided to step down from their royal roles. LOL
@joeymf86 What happened in the last few weeks to make tunnel travel for in line queens to avoid them?
@FrayedBear - true; the "tunnel crash" wasn't recent...but their travel plans were...I don't think they had GPS back then.
@FrayedBear The avoiding tunnels isn't what the "recent events" was referring to. I guess you need to know current and past historical events regarding the royal family to get this meme.
@joeymf86 no just calling out your imprecise english.
@FrayedBear Nothing imprecise about it. The meme just went over your head. That's ok though.
@Robecology Without Diana's death in a tunnel in 1997 there would be no requirement for avoiding tunnels unless she suffers from claustraphobia.
Harry and Meghan said they would step back from their royal roles
The queen and the royal family didn't like this.
Princess Diana was killed in a car wreck inside a tunnel
Conspiracy theorists think the royal family had something to do with her death
(Hopefully that answers your "huh" question. I'm actually surprised someone didn't get this.)
@joeymf86 I'm slow...I figured what you were saying out after I left the page...but thanks for explaining it to me! LOL!
Posted by noworry28Yes, they should also give the imaginary sky daddy the blame as well.
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