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I can't judge..... I once owned four pairs of parachute pants.

EricTrommater 9 Mar 28
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My BOSS had a pair!

Punch Level 4 Apr 13, 2018

The calls are coming from inside the house!!!!

KKGator Level 9 Mar 28, 2018

Parachute pants? Was that during your early 20's? Was MC Hammer cool at the time?

(I should not poke the bear - I remember 80's hair).

RavenCT Level 9 Mar 28, 2018

It was I was 13. Duran Duran was popular. I had the exact same haircut as Kevin Bacon in Footloose.

@EricTrommater That's OK then!

@EricTrommater I had a Billy Ray Cyrus mullet. Geeze that was awful!!

@farmboy2017 Dang! Any photos of that?

I don't remember too many people with mullets and I don't know why? Trauma maybe!

@RavenCT Or it was a mental block that happened every time you saw a mullet. Your brain would say " Does not compute, does not compute" ha!

@farmboy2017 I don't think the guys I knew did that? Haircuts were pretty much horror shows in the 70's and 80's. And now will not post mine either!

@RavenCT I do have a photo...ugh?

@farmboy2017 Ok I will no admit that during the 1980's a friend was driving me to a party and he had to move my hair out of the way to see out the side window of the car.... bwahaha! I really don't remember it as that big? But I have a ton of hair.


Guy #2 looks like he's shitting his pants. #4 looks like he already did. The other 2 look like they're seriously considering it!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 28, 2018

Warning teens! Ecstacy is NOT harmless!

phxbillcee Level 10 Mar 28, 2018
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