4 3

My guess is he is more than slightly out of touch with reality....

Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 June 5
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No sane person wants an actual food, no water, no services of any kind, etc etc etc duuuhhhh. What we want is A Revolution in Human Dignity!
Which we actually had, more or less, until 2016.

AnneWimsey Level 9 June 5, 2020

Which we had to start to counteract the lack of human dignity being shown by both parties....

The wealthy will never go wanting for food water, valet service, etc.

@BitFlipper what has that got to do with the average person's lot in life during an actual revolution? Are you blind to the effects of the breakdown of services & the effect on All of US?

@AnneWimsey what does the average person's life have to do with the desire of the wealthy to have a revolution? Come in off the ledge.

@BitFlipper no, I want a revolution in how people think & act towards others, just not a "revolution" with broken water mains & no food, duuuuhhhh, and you make facetious comments about how the rich will fare??? Who gives a crap?!

@AnneWimsey good luck with that. The rich are in charge.

@BitFlipper typical defeatist did not notice the mid-term elections, for just one example?


He would be a much better president than Donald Chump.

That is kind of like saying "can I get mustard on my shit sandwich please?..."


Joe's a bit out of touch.

BDair Level 8 June 5, 2020

Nearly as out of touch as Trump is...


I guess I've got to be something other than a democrat now, which means given my anti-homeopath and anti-anti-vax positions, I'm an independent democratic socialist.

Theresa_N Level 8 June 5, 2020

I haven't registered as a Democrat since the Clintons took over the DNC... and I sure as fuck refuse to support the Republicans too....

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