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Oh Karen, bye bye

glennlab 10 June 14
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You know, you'd think by now women (and not to exclude gay men) would realize just how important a skill that is. Will women tolerate a guy who doesn't know how to eat pussy well? I think not!

When I first met my future husband I asked "If you are what you eat what are you"? He replied I'm a pussy". I said that's my man.

@MissKathleen if a woman or a man had their first orgasm at 81, I should think it would kill them!

@MissKathleen for certain, you think wrong where I am concerned. I am a master pussy eater. I have have bisexual women say I was better than their female partners. So there! You don't know me or the extent of my knowledge of sexuality or how long I will visit the man in the boat. And fingers on the "g spot" will send you thru the roof. I was only saying her heart may not be able to stand the excitement. I was not saying her parts didn't work any more. When I was 47, my girlfriend was 69, and unfortunately she committed suicide. But we f***** like rabbits up until that point!

@MissKathleen I like to think I'm both, which would explain why ex's always want to come back! If I sucked in the sheets, I doubt such would be the case. I have a tremendous set of skills. Stop by if you're in the neighborhood! I'm presently single!

@MissKathleen it doesn't, thus the invite, which is not expected to actually be followed up, however if it were followed up, then there would be plenty of proof, I am done with this conversation.

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