3 10

It's rather perverted, actually....

SkotlandSkye 8 Apr 7
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Creepy, & ineffective!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 7, 2018

If someone says they are going to prey for me I say, thank you, just because I’m having a rough go it doesn’t give me permission to be a jerk... if they believe and I’m suffering it’s simply them showing they care. It’s not the time to pull out my atheist soapbox.

you mean the same soapbox upon which you are currently standing?
also, *pray not prey.... (although I understand the confusion since they are such similar acts)
Are you also fine with, for example, the Mormon's baptising the dead i.e. Marilyn Monroe and the Queen Mother?
Is not praying for someone against their will actually preying on them?

@AMNOTGOD picky picky... Not every atheist is perfect dude

What does all that Mormon stuff have to do with if or not I’m polite to somebody that wants to pray for me after I have a loved one die? I’m ok with people being religious if that floats their boat. I’m not ok when they want it in schools or politics ... Also since there’s no God what difference does it make if somebody has a silly ceromony for Marilyn or for anyone? it’s meaningless as is prayer, I don’t care if someone wants to pray for me, that’s something going on their own head... I’m not a believer in the thought police.

If they want to do it...they should keep it to themselves. It's creepy and also condescending for someone to say it to us when they know we don't believe in any gods. Just as baptising the dead is INSULTING to the person who died. Both are acts that insinuate that we are incapable of making our own choices.

@SkotlandSkye well, apparently I’m more easy going and forgiving than you, namastate

Or more of a pushover....just sayin. It’s always amusing when people have to claim they have superior attributes such as claiming to be “more forgiving” or “more easy going”. It’s like how religious people claim to have more ethics and morals than atheists. Self aggrandizing is not an attractive trait.

@SkotlandSkye ok


Strange Dude!

Coldo Level 8 Apr 7, 2018

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