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Got to get up at 5 a.m. goodnight, and bye for now

Livinlife 9 Apr 7
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tomorrow, then! Goodnight!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 8, 2018

I would die if I had to get up at five a.m.

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 7, 2018

I got up at 9 am today - I saw Nuns. "Never Again!".

Also chronic Insomnia....

@RavenCT were the nuns in your house?

@Rudy1962 Grocery store!

No nuns allowed zone in my house. Two years of hell.... (Grade school).

@Rudy1962 Also I was with a friend I've known since Grade School - we went through that shit together. We just looked so horrified?

Also we grab each other on the arm and held on.... I said "Flashback!".

Then I remembered there is a Convent - just across the Quinebaug River from that store....

@RavenCT I went to a Catholic grade school also. They used to smack us, one knocked me down on my ass. Can't get away with those things these days

@Rudy1962 I was beyond well behaved and still got hit off the head (wearing a hair barrette - so that felt great) for not having great penmanship on the first day of learning cursive? I mean really old nasty lady? Really? (Just two years before I went to public school and that was plenty).

Also knocked you on your ass? Gees.

@RavenCT it was a bad combination. I wasn't well behaved and they were miserable bitches

@Rudy1962 Yes we had a hyper little boy in my class - he cried more than once because of nuns. - Could have been worse. I could have had 12 years of that crap like my two sisters did!

@RavenCT talk about similarities. My older siblings had to go to the Catholic school through ninth grade, but then they closed the Junior High part down and I was out after sixth grade

@Rudy1962 Just checked your profile to make sure you weren't in my brother's class. lol He was 4 years ahead of me so he had six years of Catholic School.

Regular School was way better funded at the time as well. And much nicer teachers.

@RavenCT I feel for both of you. I did Catholic school 1st thru 4th grade, a break with good public schools, then back to inner-city Philly & a small Polish parish Catholic school where the nuns were all survivors of WWII. Oh. lawdy! What strange twisted women! I was a great student but we did not get along. I helped send the Mother Superior, who taught our 8th grade class, to retreat, (i.e.: nervous breakdown). I regret nothing, they were so fucking strange! & brutal! I may still have bruises!

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