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Do you eat it or give it Viagra?

glennlab 10 Aug 22
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rumppump Level 1 Nov 14, 2023

The phrase "Do you eat it or give it Viagra?" seems to be a humorous or quirky statement, possibly referencing an odd or unexpected situation where someone is uncertain how to deal with a problem or object. It suggests a dilemma between two very different actions, eating something or administering Viagra, a medication known for treating erectile dysfunction. Including a reference to a "Poppers shop," which typically sells various recreational items or substances, adds an additional layer of humor or absurdity. This comment could be interpreted as a light-hearted joke or a whimsical observation, reflecting on the bizarre or humorous situations one might encounter in daily life, possibly in a setting where unconventional items like those found in a Poppers shop are present.

rumppump Level 1 Nov 14, 2023

They need Viagra!

Merseyman1 Level 9 Aug 22, 2020

I'm gonna have to go back and review my old textbooks for this.


Maybe it's cold!

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