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Your basic Tuesday....

RavenCT 9 Apr 9
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And I'm still remembering that girl on FB who said "We tried a butt plug but it went all the way in".... And I say "There needs to be a flange on it!". I suspect she had a vaginal egg....

Also raised way too Catholic to ever consider this but doesn't mean I'm not educated!

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 9, 2018

About two weeks ago, I watched a show about monster fetishes. Apparently, in addition to all the other topics they covered, some people are into the idea of alien "eggs" being laid inside them. I swear I'm not judging, but what in the actual fuck?

@KKGator And we both watch "Slutever" on VICE! rofl

And I don't know? At least the things are made of gelatin and will naturally disappear so no one has to go digging. That's a plus?

The monster dildos were kind of fascinating.

I've seen some odd things on there? But I like getting the education. Keeps me current in my older brain.

@RavenCT I started watching VICE for Bong Appetit', stayed for all the sex
shows. LOL

@KKGator I love Bong Appetit! It's great.


It's always talk double penetration that turns people white or makes them drool for some reason ..

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Well, we did plan that date? Wasn't it what you expected?

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 9, 2018

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