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As a Cajun, I can verify the truth of this statement

glennlab 10 Oct 15
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My Italian friend when someone tried to tell him this was spaghetti. He calls it glue in a can. Not specifically this brand but any canned spaghetti. He says it is so easy to make he can not believe people eat it from a can. We did when camping I never told him.

Budgie Level 8 Oct 16, 2020

What do you consider gumbo?

for me it has to have okra, rue, some veggies, thick rue, all the meats should have previously been cooked and chilled (except seafood), then slow cooked for several hours to fully infuse the flavors. best served over still steaming rice.

@glennlab if it didn’t have okra and roux, then what would be the point?😂

@Killtheskyfairy I have seen people serve almost clear soup and call it gumbo.

@glennlab wow! I must not get around much.


Why is it the only spice Cajuns seem to know about is Cayenne Pepper?... That stuff is hotter coming out than going in....

That is by far not the only spice they know or use, it is one that a lot of fakers add and just call it cajun.

@glennlab There was a restaurant chain that went out of business because that was about all they used to cook with. The best use for it I know of is to throw dogs off your scent....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz if used properly, it adds heat and flavor, if over used it just adds heat and overpowers all other flavors.

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