6 8

And good riddance. I suggest we balance the budget by eliminating his pension.

OpposingOpposum 9 Apr 12
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Ryan publicly said that he wanted to eliminate Social Security and Medicare. I heard
him utter the words with my own ears.
The GOP "tax bill" is specifically designed to do exactly that. How else do you think they're
going to pay for everything now that they've permanently cut corporate taxes?
That was Ryan's "dream" all along.

KKGator Level 9 Apr 12, 2018

Disgusting examples of humanity, every last one.

His wet dream I think

@Rudy1962 He admitted he's wanted that since he was in college.

@KKGator yup. Sadistic bastard

@SACatWalker A great, big steaming pile of it.


Yah. Addios bastard from my state

Rudy1962 Level 9 Apr 12, 2018

Run away with your tail between your legs.


If only he'd take all the others with him

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 12, 2018

Was this what you were going for? The link pulled up, but didn't want to load for me, I'm guessing this was it.

and this...

@phxbillcee It was Amber Ruffin parodying Roy Orbison's "Crying", in relation to Ryan's announcement. At the end she flips him off. Sorry the clip didn't load. It was hilarious.

@KKGator I'll try again. Love Amber's bits on Late Night! Yeah, the page came up, but kept getting that 'spinning-wheel' & I finally said, well, you can figure! LOL


That would be a nice present for the country! Unfortunately what he & his have set up is they will be comfortable with a nice pension & health care that will end up being denied to most working-class people. His tax plan balloons the deficit & the deficit will be the reason to slash Social Security & Medicare. That, of course, was the plan all along!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 12, 2018

I know it. Sending him to prison instead would be Just and more cost effective. Jyst sayin'

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