15 8

Something a little different.. curious minds want to know.. anyone hear of a Screwball or a Tweety?

mistymoon77 9 Jan 18
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Loved those creamsicles as a kid!

The-Krzyz Level 8 Jan 19, 2021

4, 5 12

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 18, 2021

During childhood, favorites were 5, 9, and 12.




creamsicle, strawberry eclair, ice cream sandwich

glennlab Level 10 Jan 18, 2021

Ice Cream Sandwich, King Cone (called a Drumstick here) and Choco Taco.

Leelu Level 7 Jan 18, 2021

Screwball / Tweety, got impeached twice, finally going to be gone. Causes stomach upset.

nogod4me Level 8 Jan 18, 2021

1, 4, & 5

xenoview Level 8 Jan 18, 2021

What no 'none of the above' choice?

JackPedigo Level 9 Jan 18, 2021

Ice cream sandwich reigns supreme ( must be from hoods)

Eclair, creamsicle and king cone are also rans.....

Canndue Level 8 Jan 18, 2021

Over the decades, the names have changed.
#7 was a Bomb-pop, when I was a kid.
I don't remember what #3 was, but it wasn't a "screwball".
Never had a tweety or a choco-taco.

KKGator Level 9 Jan 18, 2021

Choco-taco is just a waffle cone in the shape of a taco with chocolate and icecream & chopped nuts on top. They are good if you like waffle cones. They still have those bomb pops here. But have no clue what a screwball is or a tweetie.

@mistymoon77 Yeah, we didn't have choco-tacos.
I wish I could remember the name, but the "screwball" was a berry-flavored ice cream, with a gumball at the bottom of the paper cone.

No idea about the tweety.


1, 5 and 12. One might possibly be a choco taco, but I don't think I've ever had one. But, to me, it looks like 11 and 12 are basically the same thing in a different shape anyway.

Joanne Level 7 Jan 18, 2021

Cone, Creamsicle, Ice cream sandwich.

Also the Firecrackers (but we called them Space Pops) were always more affordable but managed to disappoint every time.

scurry Level 9 Jan 18, 2021

I recall all of these from my youth, but especially and with fondness the Nestlês King Cone no.12, because in the UK the only place you could buy them was in Odeon Cinemas, so they are always associated with good times.

There was a version called a Cornetto made by Walls you could and still can buy in shops, but King Cones were better

I think Canada had Cornettos too... if memory serves. We do get some stuff from the UK. 🙂
Like Flake bars & Maltesers (widely avail now). Yumm!
Good times.


My 3 picks are: 9, 5, 1, in that order.

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