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Passive and aggressive?

Hathacat 9 Jan 24
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The power of thought is faster than the speed of light.
I could take a quick few flips around the moons of Jupiter and almost be back before the teacher finished the question.


Darkly humorous yet paradoxically light-hearted.


Nor sure I get your point.
What's amazing is light travels, what, 186,000 miles per second? Something like that.
BUT, if you're travelling 100,000 miles per second, the light travelling alongside you is STILL travelling 186,000 miles per second.
One of life's true mysteries.

Storm1752 Level 8 Jan 24, 2021

It was meant to be funny. I don't think light OR darkness thinks, lol. 🙂

@Hathacat Well, let's examine that issue in more depth
Let's assume for the sake of argument light "thinks " it travels faster than anything, and if it has the power of thought, it would be correct .
BUT darkness precedes it? I'd demur. Before the darkness was light, and before light was darkness, in a never-ending cycle, so darkness and light are both temporary conditions.
Again, what is the point? You say it's humorous, but why?

@Storm1752 You say, “Before the darkness was light,....” ????
Genesis says, “..darkness was upon the face of the deep.” (LO very L)
That’s humorous. Even HUMOROUS.

@yvilletom You may be taking the Bible too literally.

@Storm1752 I took you literally.

@yvilletom but who created darkness?

@Canndue Exactly.

@Storm1752 I wasn't there to witness the event of either darkness or light and obviously we don't have the same humor, so let's not get too inane.

@Hathacat I wasn't trying to be funny.

@Canndue, @Storm1752 Neither of you know, so a creator did it?

@yvilletom nobody knows, most don’t care

@Canndue I would care of there was any possibility of personal view is light and darkness has always existed; after all energy/light/mass cannot be created or destroyed, right?

@Storm1752 no sure that’s true. I would leave that to the scientists to answer. I prefer to think there is a possibility to know, but may not happen in our life times. If your interested in it, and actively researching, cool. We need that interest to help drive the research. For me, It’s not in my top 100 priorities in life.

@Canndue Oh well consider the matter closed!


The contest is between darkness and gravity. Einstein picked a loser.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 24, 2021

Forceful assertion.

@waitingforgodo The evidence for Einstein’s picking a loser?

Gravity is faster than light because gravity pulls Earth toward where the Sun IS, not toward where it WAS 8.3 minutes ago. Einstein’s thought-experiment betrayed him.

@yvilletom Gravity warps light but does not defeat it. It simply transforms itself into matter.


Gravity warps light?

Einstein thought it; Eddington, ignoring refraction, confirmed it; and you, mystified, made it part of your religion.

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