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I keep hearing weird noises at night, I think my yard is haunted.

clim995 7 Apr 15
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Two pixels glued on a photo ?

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 15, 2018

Definitely two people having sex

@Livinlife Ahh forgotten what it looks like lmfao

@Nickbeee lol.

@Livinlife I think she is doing the Grand National on him .. Just hope he is still alive!!!

@Nickbeee it's actually called that??! Haha

@Livinlife haha no. I can't stop laughing. I didn't spot it for ages. Hilarious ?

@Livinlife it's the startled rider in the brush position


I've seen this one before & still can't discern what that is. The eyes/mind keep wanting to "fill-in" what is only suggested. Any idea what it really is?

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 15, 2018

I think two people having sex outside the person's window. Dang my luck, only cats and dogs outside my window

@Rudy1962 yup, she's on top with her legs off to the side looking up.. that's where you get the eye glow from.. he's underneath.. just well of course, lying there. 🙂

@mistymoon77 You have good eyes! Or a vast amount of experience!!!

@phxbillcee 🙂 yup, good eyes, that I do.

@mistymoon77 I was hoping for the opposite, how else will I get a date?

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