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Ah, the joys of the Vernal Equinox...

phxbillcee 10 Mar 20
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Damned things all they do is bark shiver and piss all over the place... Most worthless dogs ever breed they don't even have enough meat on them to make a taco....

Strike # 1 !!!

@Pralina1 You must not have been paying attention to the rest of his Posts & responses!

@Pralina1 I have 4 extremely spoiled indoor only cats and a semi-feral who is also spoiled in the yard along with most of the neighborhood ferals that come over to eat because nobody else gives a crap about them... I have 4 Siamese kittens I am trying to tame is you want one...

Take it back lizard or I ll find u and make a taco out of u ! Capish ? How dare u .
My poor Diego might be a piss machine and not the brightest , and yeah scared of his shadow , but he is loving and sweet and he is BEST DATE at any restaurant when I go out to eat alone ! To not mention car rides !!
Take it back lizard , or the war is on !!!!!🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇🦇

@Lizard_of_Ahaz u know I am fucking w u right ???😂😂😂

@Lizard_of_Ahaz, @phxbillcee Yes , I know the lizard and I read all his posts . He is hilarious 🙌. Still . I expect formal apology dickhead for my precious little man !!!🦇🦇🦇🦇
Diego for life !!!!♥️🙌♥️🙌🦇

@Pralina1 Are you saying you want to eat me?... Sounds like fun I might just take you up on it someday if you are ever in the neighborhood...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz cut it out 😂😂😂😂

@Pralina1 Yeah I am just fucking with you too my eldest cat is diabetic and receives insulin shots at 7AM and PM every day. I go through a Lantus solostar insulin pen every month for him so you know I am not stinting on cost by using the cheap stuff.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz MONDAY I am taking both asshole #1 and asshole #2 to have their teeth clean . They told me around 1700 dollars or more ( mr Marcello needs a tooth extraction too ). Good thing I don’t have crocodile for pet , I can’t imagine that cost . I hear u .
But u know , they are the love of r lives , we promised to keep them safe and healthy . So here u are w insulin and here I am w clean teeth .

@Pralina1 My boy has kept me alive for over 10 years now and is my therapy animal I have a letter from the VA he picked my Siamese girl to take over when he is gone finally which I hope won't be for many years and has been training the other two youngest as well. The youngest looks like him but slightly smaller in size but they are all great to have around even when they are tearing through the house at night.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz they are loved . I can tell ♥️🙌♥️🙌♥️
Beautiful too . But mostly , loved ♥️♥️♥️

@Pralina1 @Lizard_of_Ahaz If there is a duel, can I be the one who counts off the steps?

@phxbillcee If there is a duel since she is the challenger I get to pick the weapons I didn't make the rules but that is the tradition.... I wonder if there is a precedent for naked wrestling ?...

@Pralina1 I don't have a picture handy of my outdoor female "Mama" but she looks a lot like Stashe the tuxedo cat in the picture. She is fixed now but she is the birth mother of Rocket the Siamese, Stashe and Bella. It took a long time before I was able to gain her trust and pick her up to take her to the vet for shots and everything. Ferals are difficult for you gain the trust of and it can take years to gain their trust.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz fuck . I am a feral cat then . Who knew ??

@Lizard_of_Ahaz There is naked nothing and u get to pick maybe your nose but not the weapons . Where do u think u are , in USA ? Uk ? No no no no . The italian way . U sit down , u shut your mouth , and I ll talk and bitch until u die .
Most die after 24 hrs . Those are the lucky ones 🙌

@Pralina1 The code Duello applies in all countries that allow duelling which is none for over a century now... The code itself was written in 1777 and was adopted not only in Ireland but the entire continent as well as for a time in the US...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz the code of marialena applies to marialena and to whoever she fights . It’s simpler and very effective . For MARIALENA that is 😂🦇


Not this asshole ♥️😂
If not 75 and above he is not going through the patio door . He is the worse of his kind and I love him to death . Pee on floor , small price to pay 😂✌🏻
Kisses every day , priceless 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌

Pralina1 Level 9 Mar 20, 2021

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