6 7

Can you see what they are drinking, I can't quite make it out.

mistymoon77 9 Apr 15
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It looks like Carlsberg beer. It's hard to tell what nationality these guys are but I would imagine Scottish.

JackPedigo Level 9 Apr 15, 2018

Bahaha!! I'd bet his balls it's Killians

Livinlife Level 9 Apr 15, 2018

I love scots men and it's not just because of their accent.

OH I like them too.. specially when their kilt blows up.. just sayin..


Damn that made my eyes burn. rofl

Screen at 500 percent.

You're a little evil in the best way!

RavenCT Level 9 Apr 15, 2018

wanted to make sure you got the full frontal view.

@mistymoon77 Me "I still can't read the can?" . "My eyes! My eyes!".

@RavenCT wasn't meant to read the cans 🙂


We now have the answer to that age-old question!

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 15, 2018

Watched "Highlander" was already aware.

The one on the left is Carlsberg, the one on the left, well it's not Victoria Bitters, tho, its close to that can style. Damn, I should know this, wish the can was turned round more!

@phxbillcee Murphy’s Irish or Cream Stout?

@RavenCT ooo Highlander... my tv crush. omg Adrian I think was his name. Such a good show.

@mistymoon77 Adrian Paul.

Peter Wingfield.(Now an anesthesiologist in CA).

Need I go on?

Adrian is now teaching sword classes for stage and LARPers. Came really close to going to one.

Kind of a one day event "The Sword Experience".

Damn I think I just revealed my severe fan crush status?

Also have every season in a boxed set. We could have an awesome party one day!

@RavenCT thanks for sharing this.. and YES we could have one hell of a highlander party for sure. Would love to learn some swash buckling from that guy..


LMAO Nuts!

Nickbeee Level 8 Apr 15, 2018
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