"Cuts like a knife, but it feels so right?"
Explain that, please.
Has to be the stupidest lyric ever.
@Storm1752 Right! Oh well the cd cuts pizza perfectly! Lol
Well it is the song I lost my virginity to and being me, even then I was me, I laughed out loud at the irony.
It didn't cut or feel all that right at all. He was just really sweaty, drippy sweaty and his chest made a slurpy, sucking sound every time he pushed up.
We weren't together long after that.
@BufftonBeotch Gross! Does that explain the lyric?!?? You certainly paint a grim picture ...sorry you had to go through that; you definitely have my sympathy. I wouldn't treat you like that!
@Storm1752 I think it is about being with a person who is not as into you as you are to them but they throw you a crumb now and then to keep you strung along.
@BufftonBeotch Nice try.
Yeah, don't use a Don McClean CD. Dull as hell!
@phxbillcee Lol!!!
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