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Priorities and recognition

glennlab 10 Apr 30
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Not just the US either... BTW.
And while I agree with the meme/post; life would suck without entertainment/media.
No, I don't think they are the most important members of society, but there is something to be said for events/shows/interests that exist simply to entertain/distract from stress. Not to mention that media (documentaries/New reports/music/movies) document our own history, beleifs, and moral out look of our times. (as well as our stupidity; like our youth eating Tide Pods.)
Furthermore, sports has been around forever and can serve as a excellent way to bind a group of people, get them on the same side, rooting for the same thing...
So, most important, No. Are they paid appropriately? No! ...but still they have an important roll to play in society.
Rant over... Need more coffee.
Feel free to rip this apart...

scurry Level 9 May 1, 2021

It is a sad commentary on American education. 46% of American polled said they would support Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for president in 2024 and 29% support Matthew McConaughey for Texas governor. It may be time to emigrate to Canada, Australia, someplace in Europe, etc.

RussRAB Level 8 Apr 30, 2021

Well the explanation of that is that until 2010 Newsless week was owned by Murdoch who sold it to two far right-wing buyers one of which died and the other is essentially a subsidiary of Fox News....

@Lizard_of_Ahaz - It's not just Newsweek.

@RussRAB Good to know the Murdoch Klan is known for their fake news and should never be accepted as a reliable source...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz - What is your source for claiming Newsweek was once owned by Murdoch and is now an extension of FOX? I don't disagree with your assessment of FOX, but I did a few Google searches and didn't find Murdoch mentioned as an owner or having control of the magazine. There was an ultra right religious Korean ministry that owned it for a time, but the information I found says they are now independent.

@RussRAB You aren't searching correctly is all I am just a few gen ed credits shy of a AS degree as a Webmaster. I have had some training most people lack. Make your search for "Newsweek ownership" and then look into the background of the company... They were owned by the Washington Post which was a reputable source before the Moonie cult got hold of it. Newsweek was sold to Murdoch and then Murdoch split it into two companies. The one that retained the Newsweek name was sold to a far right-wing businessman running a group calling itself "Businesses for National Security" or some such bullshit and a corporation run by one time Murdoch apprentices. Or you can just dig around on Wikipedia starting on the Newsweek page and follow the links from there... They give background on the owners as well....
Sorry to be so vague but I am going by memory here.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz - Newsweek was owned by The Washington Post from 1961 to 2010. It was The Washington Times the Moonies owned (and still do as far as I know), not the Post. "August 2010 sale by The Washington Post Company to audio pioneer Sidney Harman" (Wikipedia-Newsweek). Herman "was a Canadian-born American engineer and businessman active in education, government, industry, and publishing." He had no connection with Murdoch that I find on his Wikipedia page. "Later that year, Newsweek merged with the news and opinion website The Daily Beast, forming The Newsweek Daily Beast Company. Newsweek was jointly owned by the estate of Harman and the diversified American media and Internet company IAC." (Wiki-NW). IAC did have a history with Barry Diller "who had led the creation of the Fox network." (Wikipedia-IAC). IAC was a very diverse company which also owned the USA Network and the Sci-fi Channel amoung any number of other companies unrelated to news or media. In 2010, however, when IAC acquired Newsweek, Diller also stepped down as CEO. Newsweek was then sold to IBT Media in 2013. IBT Media had private owners with no reported connections to Murdoch or FOX. "IBT Media says it has an ongoing "working relationship" with Olivet University" (Wikipedia-IBT Media) which was its connection to South Korean evangelical Pastor David J. Jang. Jang was apparently an invester in IBT Media and did at times exert influence over Newsweek's coverage. In 2014, IBT Media spun off Newsweek and IBT Media as separate entities. "In September 2018 ... IBT Media spun off Newsweek, making it an independent publication" (Wikipedia-NW).

OK, so I did the research and the only connection I find go Murdoch and FOX was Mr. Diller of the one company who owned Newsweek for a few years. Diller had stepped down the same year Newsweek was acquired and didn't have control of the media company while Newsweek was owned by them. Wikipedia's mention of Diller also made it sound as if Diller was looking to build a whole new network and not necessarily looking to repeat the creation of FOX. I attempted to verify your claim, but I don't see it. Again, I don't disagree with your assessment of Murdoch or FOX.

@RussRAB Oops I get the two rags confused as for the Washington Toast it was Eugene Meyer and Herbert Hoover who took it to the far right in 1933... Like I said I was going from memory which sometimes is a bit off. Oh and yes those are the two I was referring to and if these people gain power over a paper they use it for propaganda purposes and would rather trade it around than lose control... Look who owns the Toast now Jeff the dragon Bezos...



The cult of the celebrity, where people are famous for being famous.

Moravian Level 8 Apr 30, 2021

You are mostly right, but I find I need Late Night Hosts to get balanced news from, rather than politicians. & I often find myself needing good music to get me thru a down time or to help motivate me in some tasks.

phxbillcee Level 10 Apr 30, 2021
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